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Association des Amis des Musées de Charlieu

Founded in 2014, les Amis des Musées de Charlieu has been integrated into the museum's operating system since its inception, providing support and collaboration with the cultural direction of the museums (the Ministry of Culture, through the museum director) and the municipality of Charlieu. The association also serves as a liaison between the local population of Charlieu and their ideas or desires regarding the Museums.
In 2022, les Amis des Musées de Charlieu is stepping up its game! With the arrival of the new museum director, Sylviane Mura, the association intends to work closely with the museum team to participate in dynamics, projects, needs, and the development of the structure.
With enthusiasm, members are committed to the preservation and evolution of the Museums, with many exciting projects in mind: participation in and support of events, organizational assistance, contribution to the expansion and renovation project of the museum site, etc.
Built around a very active board of enthusiasts, the association is now looking to expand its community of members. If you are interested, simply fill out the membership form provided and return it to the Museums along with your membership fee.
As the association is recognized as being of general interest, any membership entitles you to a tax deduction (66% of the amount of the membership fee and/or any donation).
Every member also enjoys permanent free entry to the museums.
Membership fees for the year 2023:
Individual member or organization: €15
Couple membership: €25
Benefactor member: starting from €50

Above are the members of the association's board as of April 2023:
Étienne Hertzog, Marie-Thérèse Quentin, Sylviane Mura (Director of the Museums), Bernard Semay (President of the association), Jean-Charles Ponson, Joëlle Gueguen, and Nadège Demont-Poyet (Deputy Mayor for Culture).
In 2022, journalist Sébastien Agasse (notably a correspondent for the Pays Roannais) created a presentation film about the Friends of the Charlieu Museums Society. You can view it by clicking on the link below.